We continue in prayer the people of So California impacted by the fires.
Beit Emunah Prayer List
Ahuva and John health & safety.
Alice and Van Bailey * Carol
Allan Margoles *Miriam
Andrew Belcher (Parkinsons) * Gavi
Bill & Karen Stephens *Carol
Carol & George St. George
Cathy Wynn (now cancer-free but on radiation for another 6 months) *Carol
Cecil bat Devorah (Cecily Routman): Founder/President of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation.
Brenda Tigue & Sonya Bean, both have dementia (Yissakhar)
Charles & Patricia Houston.
Chava Batya (Evelyn Sills), Husband: Joe, Brother: Walter *Shlomo
Chickamauga Cherokee Chief Pam Snowbird *Gavi
Chris Patterson
Christopher Matthews
Cindy (kidney issues) & Tom McKay * Lucas
David, Vallaria, and Ester Brymer.
Dee Michaels, ALS, commonly called Lou Gehrig's disease
Donna Pearman
Evan Morris & Gayla Griffith
Gab Trent-ADHD and autism *Carol
GALEN GHYBOUKY for eye issues. *Carol
Joyce Gardener *Patricia H's sister
Cantor Lee Greenberg *Miriam
Los Angeles Wildfire victims
Kathy Boeck Pearman *Donna
Kyle Alexander *Ahuva
Mary DeHart *Shlomo
Mary Lee * Chava Batya
Michael Lucas and the "Alfred Hughes Unit" in Texas Prison
Michael M.
Michael Taybeck *Houstons
Miriam and Peter Fogler
Moshe ben Ya’akov (aka Frank B.) and family:
Patty, Donna, Lisa and Lucas Simmons (on the passing of Tally), Shane, Bub, Michael, Jamie Hamilton, Jersey, Mason, Dave & Paula, Jason & Linda
Neal Farmer (Mary DeHart)
Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg *Shlomo
Rabbi Gavi David
Rabbi Israelia (Miriam & Donna)
Rabbi Yair Black
Sasha Farmer (Mary DeHart)
Scarlett Lopez (Mary DeHart)
Shmuel ben David (aka Sam)
Stephan Trent, for HaShem's guidance *Carol
Tammy and J.P. LeRoy *Houstons
Tara Lopez (Mary DeHart)
Ted Weisner (Stage 4 kidney disease), Bill Trents' room mate of 30 years *Carol
Yvette McClung *Houstons
All of Our Pets Including:
Shlomo and Ahuvah's Kelev *Gavi's adopted love dog* and Laila and Tov
Kelev, Lila & Tov, *Shlomo and Ahuva's dogs
Buddy, *Carol's dog,
Shadow, *Miriam's cat,
Chewy, *Sparrows dog
Gilbert & Jelly, *Gavi's cats
Lexi and Mamma (Momma dog's surgery was a success, no cancer), * Huston's dogs