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Prayers and Praises

We Remember:

List of Good Things
    My New Book "Below We Stand" will be available on Amazon beginning this week. It is the exiciting, thought provoking novel about four friends who take their stand against global despotism. With new underground friends the power of the Song of Redemption leads them onward. "Below We Stand" will be available on Amazon later this week or, if you would like an autographed copy, contact me.


We continue in prayer for Gavi David who is in a physical rehabiliation center.
Beit Emunah Prayer List

Ahuva and John health & safety.
Allan Margoles *Miriam
Andrew Belcher (Parkinsons) * Gavi
Carol & George St. George
Chava Batya (Evelyn Sills), Husband: Joe, Brother: Walter *Shlomo
Chickamauga Cherokee Chief Pam Snowbird *Gavi
Chris Patterson
Christopher Matthews
David, Vallaria, and Ester Brymer.
Donna Pearman
Evan Morris & Gayla Griffith
Kathy Boeck Pearman *Donna
        Kyle Alexander *Ahuva
        Mary DeHart *Shlomo
        Miriam and Peter Fogler
        Moshe ben Ya’akov (aka Frank B.) and family:
             Patty, Donna, Lisa and Lucas Simmons (on the passing of Tally), Shane, Bub, Michael, Jamie Hamilton, Jersey, Mason, Dave & Paula, Jason & Linda
        Neal Farmer (Mary DeHart)
        Rabbi Gavi David
        Rabbi Bernhard Rosenberg
        Rabbi Israelia (Miriam & Donna)
        Sasha Farmer (Mary DeHart)
        Scarlett Lopez (Mary DeHart)
        Shmuel ben David (aka Sam)
        Tara Lopez (Mary DeHart)

        All of Our Pets Including: Shlomo and Ahuvah's Kelev, Laila and Tov
        Shadow, *Miriam's cat,
        Chewy, *Sparrows dog
        Gilbert & Jelly, *Gavi's cats

Want to Add or Remove Someone?
Let us know here
OR Contact Gavi David


Be the Blessing you were created to be
Don't let the perfect defeat the good

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