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List of Good Things
Our new web presense is coming along nicely. Several of our Social media account names and urls have been updated. There is still more to do, but its a solid start.
This Wednesday we will begin a new verse-by-verse study of my traslation of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita (The Glorious Song of God). Due to the Zoom bombing we had last week, I plan to offer the instruction again this Wednesday. We will be live streaming from Zoom to YouTube and our normal stream hosts. Everyone is welcome to join us.


We continue in prayer the people of So California impacted by the fires.
Beit Emunah Prayer List

Ahuva and John health & safety.
Alice and Van Bailey * Carol
Allan Margoles *Miriam
Andrew Belcher (Parkinsons) * Gavi
Bill & Karen Stephens *Carol
Carol & George St. George
Cathy Wynn (now cancer-free but on radiation for another 6 months) *Carol
Cecil bat Devorah (Cecily Routman): Founder/President of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation.
Brenda Tigue & Sonya Bean, both have dementia (Yissakhar)
Charles & Patricia Houston.
Chava Batya (Evelyn Sills), Husband: Joe, Brother: Walter *Shlomo
Chickamauga Cherokee Chief Pam Snowbird *Gavi
Chris Patterson
Christopher Matthews
Cindy (kidney issues) & Tom McKay * Lucas
David, Vallaria, and Ester Brymer.
Dee Michaels, ALS, commonly called Lou Gehrig's disease
Donna Pearman
Evan Morris & Gayla Griffith
Gab Trent-ADHD and autism *Carol
GALEN GHYBOUKY for eye issues. *Carol
Joyce Gardener *Patricia H's sister
Cantor Lee Greenberg *Miriam Los Angeles Wildfire victims
Kathy Boeck Pearman *Donna
        Kyle Alexander *Ahuva
        Mary DeHart *Shlomo
        Mary Lee * Chava Batya
        Michael Lucas and the "Alfred Hughes Unit" in Texas Prison
        Michael M.
        Michael Taybeck *Houstons
        Miriam and Peter Fogler
        Moshe ben Ya’akov (aka Frank B.) and family:
             Patty, Donna, Lisa and Lucas Simmons (on the passing of Tally), Shane, Bub, Michael, Jamie Hamilton, Jersey, Mason, Dave & Paula, Jason & Linda
        Neal Farmer (Mary DeHart)
        Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg *Shlomo
        Rabbi Gavi David
        Rabbi Israelia (Miriam & Donna)
        Rabbi Yair Black
        Sasha Farmer (Mary DeHart)
        Scarlett Lopez (Mary DeHart)
        Shmuel ben David (aka Sam)
        Stephan Trent, for HaShem's guidance *Carol
        Tammy and J.P. LeRoy *Houstons
        Tara Lopez (Mary DeHart)
        Ted Weisner (Stage 4 kidney disease), Bill Trents' room mate of 30 years *Carol
        Yvette McClung *Houstons

        All of Our Pets Including: Shlomo and Ahuvah's Kelev *Gavi's adopted love dog* and Laila and Tov
        Kelev, Lila & Tov, *Shlomo and Ahuva's dogs
        Buddy, *Carol's dog,
        Shadow, *Miriam's cat,
        Chewy, *Sparrows dog
        Gilbert & Jelly, *Gavi's cats
        Lexi and Mamma (Momma dog's surgery was a success, no cancer), * Huston's dogs

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Let us know here
OR Contact Rabbi Gavi David

Be the Blessing you were created to be
Don't let the perfect defeat the good

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