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Beit Emunah's Spiritual Ascendency Gathering:
Fridays at 8 PM Eastern
(Scroll down for Day service)

We begin with Yidid Nefesh: "Beloved of my Soul" on Page 03 in our Supplemental Songbook.

Welcome to Beit Emunah's Spiritual Ascendency Gathering.

As we've announced and explained the reasons for, our "House of Faith" (Beit Emunah) worships only One God and are now doing so without sectarian distinctions. We are religiously egalitarian. Everyone is welcome here who comes in peace regardless of religious preferences. God is One, as taught in most of the world Scriptures including the Bible and the Vedic Sources. Therefore, we celebrate both our oneness as God's children and our cultural and individual diversity while maintaining our own values and individual beliefs. We are celebrating the first House of Faith Spiritual Ascendency Gathering since our reboot this weekend. We are happy you are here with us. Our love and desire for One God has not changed, but our external form has. As we move forward, we intend to grow and develop in ways that are meaningful to our membership and friends. We welcome your thoughts on this new direction as our Quest for Truth continues. Since most of our current members come from Judeo-Christian backgrounds, we highlight these traditions while honoring all the Traditions of Light. To be clear, we are NOT a "Messianic" congregation. We continue to await the coming of the man Jewish tradition biblical tradition celebrates as Mashiach ben David, the Messiah. May he come soon and may all of humanity come together in peace in the Presence of One God.

Our elders or clergy are available to assist you in your quest for One God. They are: Gavi David, Carol St.George, Moshe ben Ya'akov, Patricia Houston, and myself, once again known as John of AllFaith.

It is our sincere hope that members and friends will be happy with the changes we are making at Beit Emunah and will continue with us and invite their friends. Please us and share any questions, thoughts or concerns you may have with us.

Each Friday evening, we will address a different topic related to our quest for ever more attachment to One God. Our topic this evening is The Nature of the Soul, part 1.

Praises and Prayers.

Note: All Times are Eastern.

Sundays 8 PM: AllHeart continues. Everyone is welcome to join our random, mutually respectful conversations each Sunday at 8 PM. Only in our Zoom Room.

Wednesdays at ONE PM: The Biblical Way of God. Join Gavi David and Charles Houston for Bible readings and discussions. We are currently in the book of Ezekiel. Join us live in the Zoom room only.

Wednesdays at 8 PM: "Psalms for Life" continues.

Thursdays 8 PM: Our Weekly Torah Portion Study.

Fridays: 8 PM for our Spiritual Ascendency Gathering, and Noon Saturdays for our One God Services.

Our Current Prayers and Praises are Now Online.

For our live videos, class and service updates, questions, answers, and posts:

If you are blessed by these humble offerings, we ask you to consider joining our shul, regardless of your religious affiliation. Engage with my D'var Torah thoughts, explore our diverse online offerings, sign up for the newsletter, contribute membership dues, and make donations to support our efforts in blessing everyone. We value ALL supporters, irrespective of their religious specifics or the amount they can donate, and we encourage everyone to become active community members. Click the Donations and Membership tab on the shul home page or donate through our Rumble pages.

Be the Blessing GOD created YOU to be
NEVER allow the Perfect to defeat the Good

We continue now with our Supplemental Song Book:

Page 09: There's a Dinosaur Knocking on My Door!
Page 13: Hineh Ma Tov.
Page 28 I Will Not Behave Like Prey
Page 29 Seek Ye First
Page 07: Gesher Tzar Me'od
Page 08: Adon Olam

Service Guide For Beit Emunah's
Saturday Spiritual Ascendency Gathering:

We begin with "As a Deer Pants for the Water on Page 24 in our Supplemental Songbook

This is our desire! Our souls join together today and we enter into the Presence of One without preconceived notions, in love and harmony, we bow before the Holy One.

As we've announced and explained the reasons for, our "House of Faith" (Beit Emunah) worships only One God and are now doing so without sectarian distinctions. We are religiously egalitarian. Everyone is welcome here who comes in peace regardless of religious preferences. God is One, as taught in most of the world Scriptures including the Bible and the Vedic Sources. Therefore, we celebrate both our oneness as God's children and our cultural and individual diversity while maintaining our own values and individual beliefs. We are celebrating the first House of Faith Spiritual Ascendency Gathering since our reboot this weekend. We are happy you are here with us. Our love and desire for One God has not changed, but our external form has. As we move forward, we intend to grow and develop in ways that are meaningful to our membership and friends. We welcome your thoughts on this new direction as our Quest for Truth continues. Since most of our current members come from Judeo-Christian backgrounds, we highlight these traditions while honoring all the Traditions of Light. To be clear, we are NOT a "Messianic" congregation. We continue to await the coming of the man Jewish tradition biblical tradition celebrates as Mashiach ben David, the Messiah. May he come soon and may all of humanity come together in peace in the Presence of One God.

Our elders, teachers, or clergy are available to assist you. They are: Gavi David, Carol St.George, Moshe ben Ya'akov, Patricia Houston, and myself, John of AllFaith.

It is our sincere hope that our members and friends will be happy with the changes we are making at Beit Emunah and will continue with us and invite their friends. Please share any questions, thoughts or concerns you may have with us.

Our Weekly Service Guide shares links to our Beit Emunah Songbook, recommended resources, websites, and much more, may be found at HERE. We update the Weekly Service Guide each Friday.

Sign up for our weekly newsletter! Go to and send us your email address with the word Newsletter. The newsletter goes out each Friday.

This week's biblical reading: Shemot, Exodus 1:1-6:1

This week's Haftarah: Sephardic: Jeremiah 1:1-2:3

My Weekly Insight: Guru Nanak On the Transcendent Nature of One God

Until we get our new PDF Worship Guide completed, we will still use the Siddur as well as our on-screen offerings. We begin with the Morning Blessings on page 182 and 183 of Siddur Lev Eliezar: Modeh Aniy and Elohiye

It is our sincere desire to transcend human-made religion, however noble. We want to realize harmony with the Creator of everything. We desire to enter the Portal of Creation: Anna Bechoach, page 4 in our Songbook and on your screen.

Page 273, Psalm 122 in our Siddur: In the Bible, David was inspired to write many beautiful Psalms (called Tehilim). Through the Psalms, we confront ourselves and our God. Psalm 122 is a good example of this. Writing as an Israelite, David longed to go to the House of One God and share God's Glory with his fellow Israelites and all other companions who came in good faith to love One God.

On Screen: This desire is expressed wonderfully in the song, In the Garden (page 29 in our Songbook).

In His Presence we are Home. On screen page we proclaim, The Hallelujah (page 5 in our Songbook).

Page 325 – bottom of 327 Stand: All Beings Bless One God "Qadosh," "Qadosh," "Qadosh"

On Screen: "O How Great Thou Art! (page 29 in Songbook). We do this as a meditation.

On Screen: "Seek Ye First" (page 29 in our Song Book). The first century Jewish sage Yeshua of Nazareth was a lot like Rabbi Hillel from whom he received great inspiration. In this piece, we are reminded of what is important in life.

One God has spoken with humanity in myriad ways throughout history. The problem is not that God is silent, that the Creator is not guiding us. The issue is that we humans, although empowered by His revelations and given so many possibilities, refuse to listen and to observe the Way of One God. In the Five Books of Moses, called Torah by the Jews and the Pentateuch by the Christians, God has revealed Himself. As is the custom, the Torah is traditionally divided in parts or Parshot. Let us learn from this week's Torah Portion.

Reading of the Torah.

In 168 BCE, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Seleucid king whose evil is remembered during the Chanukah season, forbade the Jews from reading the Torah. The sages responded by selecting and reading sections of the Prophets that had similar teaching to the outlawed Torah portions instead. In the First CE Paul, an emissary of Yeshua of Nazareth, told his student Timothy that, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the people of God will be fully empowered and thoroughly furnished unto all good works." The Scriptures are a vast well of living waters from which everyone may drink. Following Jewish tradition, our brother Charles will now share with us wisdom from this week's reading of the prophets according to the Sephardic selection.

Page 381 - 383 Blessings and Reading of the Haftarah

Oh how great are You One God! Every religion and spirituality seeks to know You. Some claim to have exclusive rights to the Holy One! This is foolishness. The Indian founder of Sikhism understood this. Let's consider an insightful Shabad of Guru Nanak.

Condolences for the deceased, Prayers, and Praises Page 387 - 391 Blessing of the Government, Congregation, etc.

Page 447-449: Psalm 23 (Miriam, Patricia)

Hineh Ma Tov—How Good It Is.

Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu—Peace Will Come to us,
Kol Ha'Olam—All The World Is A Narrow Bridge.
Adon Olam—Lord of the Universe

Note: All Times are Eastern.

Sundays 8 PM: AllHeart continues. Everyone is welcome to join our random, mutually respectful conversations each Sunday at 8 PM. Only in our Zoom Room.

Wednesdays at ONE PM: The Biblical Way of God. Join Gavi David and Charles Houston for Bible readings and discussions. We are currently in the book of Ezekiel. Join us live in the Zoom room only.

Wednesdays at 8 PM: "Psalms for Life" continues.

Thursdays 8 PM: Our Weekly Torah Portion Study.

Fridays: 8 PM for our Spiritual Ascendency Gathering, and Noon Saturdays for our One God Services.

Our Current Prayers and Praises are Now Online.

For our live videos, class and service updates, questions, answers, and posts:

If you are blessed by these humble offerings, we ask you to consider joining our shul, regardless of your religious affiliation. Engage with my D'var Torah thoughts, explore our diverse online offerings, sign up for the newsletter, contribute membership dues, and make donations to support our efforts in blessing everyone. We value ALL supporters, irrespective of their religious specifics or the amount they can donate, and we encourage everyone to become active community members. Click the Donations and Membership tab on the shul home page or donate through our Rumble pages.

Be the Blessing GOD created YOU to be
NEVER allow the Perfect to defeat the Good

We continue now with our Supplemental Song Book:

Page 13: Hineh Ma Tov.
Page 15: Yism'chu Hashamayim
Page 15: Hevenu Shalom Aleichem
Page 16: Od Avinu Chai
Page 13: Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu
Page 16: Esa Einai
Page 07: Gesher Tzar Me'od
Page 08: Adon Olam

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Be the Blessing you were created to be
Don't let the perfect defeat the good

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