Beit Emunah
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Omnist Community Worship:

Saturdays at 12 PM Eastern.

We begin on Page 41 of our song book, "Divine Creation."

Welcome to and Beit Emunah's Omnist Community Worship! This is a community service for all people of the Light. We invite your participation and contributions. Let us know if you would like to share a spiritual song or poem.

As an Omnist community, we recognize the Hand of the Divine all around us. The Holy One meets us where we are and leads us Homeward according to our individual marga or path while granting us the freedom to make our own choices. It's a delicate balance of free will and destiny. The Path to One God's Light is comprised of myriad Divine Rays of every possible color. We, therefore, honor all paths while remaining true to our inner knowing of what is best for us as individuals. Not everything done in the name of religion produces light, but Light is not produced by darkness. We are all children of the One Light, children of the Day. We are not of the night or of the darkness and we refuse to walk therein regardless of it source. Rather we seek to produce the fruit of peace and harmony. Despite our differences, let us walk together as one family in the Light of One Awesome God on page 29 as a meditation to God.

We sometimes think of our awesome God as being outside of ourselves, perhaps in Heaven, Gan Eden, Svarga, the Merkaba, in Aksharbrahaman and this is correct. The Beloved eternally dwells in the Divine Abode. But God also dwells within each of us. In each of us there exist the Divine Presence.

The ancient Indian text Mundaka Upanishad compares the mortal soul to the Supreme Soul with the parable of two birds sharing a single tree. There it is explained that

Two birds, inseparable companions, perch in the same tree of the body. One eats the sweet and bitter fruit of the tree, while the other looks on unattached, protectively watching the other bird. The first bird is our individual self feeding on the pleasures and pains of this mortal world. The other is the Universal Self, One God, silently witnessing all and watching our development. The unattached bird is God, Ishvara, seated in our own hearts, our own consciousness, as everywhere else in this world. The bird that is eating the fruit of the tree is the individual soul, the mind-body complex. One God watches as we consume the fruit of material existence until, at last, we realize we are no beings of this temporary duality. No matter what we "eat" in time we become hungry again. One God patiently awaits until our desire for the real food of the spirit is desired. The God asists us in ascending upward into the "skies" of our true Self. This spiritual concept is understood in myriad ways.

According to the Dalai Lama, the anceint mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" empowers us on this path of material life to apply our intention and wisdom, in order to achieve the pure form, speech and mind of an enlightened being. There are many ways to conceive of this work, this is one.

Buddhists sometimes describe the Inward Presence as a priceless jewel, our true and only treasure. This mantra keeps us focused on what matters. When we are ready to cast off the temporary fruit of material existence this mantra can help open the way.

Om Mani Padme Hum. The word Mani means the flawless jewel of our true Self while the word Padme uses the annalogy of a lotus, so popular in Eastern cultures because although the lotus often grows in swamps and unclean places, it always emerges untouched and pure. This is a fitting symbol of the realized Self that emerges from duality but is always pristine. Mani and Padme form the heart of this famous mantra. The jewel of Self is eternally pure. The recitation begins with the pure sound of Om, which purifies the consciounsess of pride and false ego. The Omkara reminds us that the Jewel is ever pure as its energies removes the illusions of contamination. The Omkara draws the consciousness back into its etrnal pure nature through the primal sound vibration. May we apply our wisdom and reasoning minds to this end. The mantra ends with the word hum, which reflects the firm intention of our wisdom. The mantra is said to bring protection and salvation through its utterance. Make yourself comfortable. Breath in and out, calm your mind, and focus on these sacred sound vibrations.

Om Mani Padme Hum

On Page 40 we apply our inner peace and extend it outward to all beings. Let There Be Peace on Earth and let it begin with you and I.

Let us center our minds and look within. One of the oldest methods of meditation comes from the Rig Vedas, the Gayatri Matra, on page 32 of our songbook. The word Gayatri is Sanskrit and consists of two syllables:

The "Gayatri" mantra leads us within and asks One God for divine protection and guidance. Before chanting it, let us relax in a comfortable position and breathe in God’s love and divine life. Breathe from your diaphragm, from your gut, and hold the wind of God for a moment. Feel your lungs filling and holding that breath in this moment and place. That breath is a gift to you from One God.

Now exhale any stresses and negativities that come to mind. If you are hurting physically or emotionally, breath that negativity out, gently releasing it, replacing it with thoughts of love and wholeness. Allow your mind to bathe you with peace, light, and joy as you release everything else through your outgoing breath.

Breathe in deeply through your nose, without forcing it, and outward through your mouth. In and out, the wind of God flows like the ocean's tide, rhythmic and sure. Allow yourself to experience the love and well-being God desires for you through the gift of breath. Draw God's blessings into your core. Then breathe out all fears, stresses, and negativities, knowing that you are beloved of God, a cherish son or daughter of the Creator. Grant a place within your mind and heart for only love and peace.

Now, in this peaceful state, we call out to One God for guidance and ever more Light and protection from all negativities:

The Gayatri means:

Oh One God!
You are the Giver of all Life,
You are the Remover of all pain and sorrow,
You are the Bestower of all happiness,
You are One!
You are the Creator of the Universes!
May we all receive Your divine Light of Truth.
May You guide our intellects in the right pathways and use us as blessings of peace to all entities.

In Sanskrit the mantra is:

om bhür bhuvah svaha
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhîmahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayät

The Gayatri Mantra

May there be peace and well-being to all entities.

As Saint Francis of Assisi:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace!
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine One, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console,
not so much to be understood as to understand,
not so much to be loved as to love.
Because it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
May we be instruments of Your Peace.

Friends, the power of loving prayer is great! May One God hear our prayers and concerns and be gracious to us, our loved ones, and to all beings as we seek the inward and outer Kingdon of God.

Page 31 in our Songbook: Seek ye first the kingdom of God.

Praises and Prayers to God.

We now invite those present in the Zoom room or on Rumble to share their brief prayers and praises. Speak directly to God or to our community, whatever is on your heart and mind.

May One God hear our prayers and respond favorably to us.

Mi Shebeirach, by Debbie Friedman, page 18 in our Song Book

Mi Shebeirach by Debbie Friedman

Page 40 of our song book, "Let there be peace on earth."

As Master Lao Tsu taught:

If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.

If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.

If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.

If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.

If there is to be peace in the home,
There must be peace in the heart.

Peace begins with you. Peace begins with me. Let each of us prize peace and let us pursue it.

Note: All Times are Eastern.

Sundays 8 PM: AllHeart continues. Everyone is welcome to join random, mutually respectful conversations each Sunday at 8 PM. Only in our Zoom Room.

Wednesdays at ONE PM: While Gavi is in physical rehabilitation I will be hosting our class on the Biblical Prophets. Live in the Zoom room and on Rumble, and our Social Media servers.

Wednesdays at 8 PM: Our Srimad Bhagavad Gita class will continue on Zoom, Rumble, and our Social Media servers.

Thursdays 8 PM: Our Omnist Spiritual Ascension group in Zoom, Rumble, and our Social Media servers.

Saturdays 12 PM Our Omnist Community Worship Service. We welcome all people of peace.

Below We Stand: Watch for the release of my new book this week. Once its on Amazon I will post a link to it on our websites and social media sites.

Page 07 in our Songbook: Gesher Tzar Me'od. All the world is a narrow bridge.

Our Current Prayers and Praises are Now Online.

For our live videos, classes, services, questions, answers, and posts join us on my restored Facebook page and our MeWe Omnist Community Group.

"Follow" and "Like" us on Rumble where many of our broadcasts are stored. If YouTube doesn't work out we'll return here.

If you are blessed by these humble offerings, we ask you to consider joining our Omnist community, regardless of your religious affiliation. We value ALL supporters, irrespective of their religious specifics or the amount they can donate, and we encourage everyone to become active community members. Click the Donations and Membership tab on the community home page or donate through our Rumble pages.

Be the Blessing you were created to be
Don't let the perfect defeat the good

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