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And my ongoing sojourn
By Shlomo Phillips (last updated June 15, 2014)

Why the Site Change?

Since 1997 has been my main online presence. Throughout these years I have freely shared my original work on many topics (mainly on religion and/or politics) here and on my related sites, blogs and groups. With this major update I am consolidating my web presences and restoring as my central online hub.

The material here at reflects my own views and is not necessarily in agreement with the synagogue I am a member of, nor anyone else. I've always been independent minded and sought to understand. I study and then determine my beliefs. I could be wrong. I invite you to contact me with your corrections if you disagree with me, with your comments if you agree and with your questions if you are not sure or are seeking further insights. This website is the result of my 45 plus years of study. My quest for greater insight into these topics is ongoing and I hope yours is as well.

My spiritual quest began in 1969 as I began questioning the teachings I was raised in. This seeking led me to formal conversion into Judaism and that path is now my focus, as reflected in my present web activity. The renewed face of reflects this change. As the updates to the site continue the pages are being linked HERE for easier access. These updates will continue until my web presence is completely updated. No eta for this is possible since I have thousands of pages to go through and only so much time. If you are looking for something in particular or would like clarification on some point please let me know and I'll try and assist you.

Most of my previous material will remain available at the old urls for those who are interested (please note the disclaimer banner on the top of most those archival pages). Some of those pages are being be updated to reflect my current understandings while other pages will remain as they are, as archival offerings. Some are being removed (with a forwarding link so as not to cause dead links on those pages that link to them). As pages are updated they will be given the background color of this page as well as the links in the upper left corner. Many of the pages now have a Facebook "like" button. If you like them, please click these and feel free to share them with others.

My Beth HaShem website is permanently closed and directs visitors to All of the material previously posted there is now available here at Most of these studies are in this section. Some fit better into other sections. If you have questions about the subject matter of that site please contact me.

My and web domains no longer exist. Much of the material previously found there is (or will be) available here. Most of these studies can be found here or here. If not, please check the main content page or contact me.

I'm still around! I'm now known as Shlomo Phillips. My various screen names have been (or are being) replaced. I'm not "hiding something" by using various handles as a few people have suggested. Some names simply better reflected the focus of my sites at various times. I've always been just me. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

My Path Thus Far:

"The decision [i.e. to seriously seek for the truth] can not made from the outside. Religious commitments are probably the most existential issues we face. We have to be prepared to jump in and live within a tradition before we can appreciate its strengths and weaknesses. The convinced skeptic may be unwilling to take this initial step but this is a failure of will, and it is not our failure. Our responsibility is to address those who feel the urgency of the issues and are willing to struggle to find the answers (Neil Gillman, Sacred Fragments: Recovering Theology for the Modern Jew page 34, 1992)

Since 1969 I have felt God's Presence leading me ever 'Homeward' as though along a wilderness path. The Divine Presence has guided me through innumerable experiences within and without most of the world's significant religious traditions. As the song says, I can't believe God is leading me, unless He led me here. I believe this.

Through my various experiences I developed an ever deeper appreciation of Who God is and what He wants of us. My conclusions convince me that the Written Torah (i.e. the five books of Moses) is a singularly divine revelation and unique among the religious writings of the world. This conviction about Torah led me to embrace Judaism. This does not in my mind negate the revelations of other people and cultures, but my Path is Judaism.

My Shoah Memories:

In 1969 I first experienced my lifelong recurring dream/memory, although it took several years for me to comprehend what these experiences meant. This ongoing experience has a profound impact on every area of my life. As I was being interviewed by the beit din for my conversion they asked why I wanted to enter the Covenant. There were many reasons including the singular glory of Torah, but one way or another all of my possible answers led back this ongoing experience.

Like many Jews, due to my experiences in the Shoah (Holocaust) I felt estranged from HaShem. Like many Jews after being killed during this reign of terror I took rebirth (or gilgul) in a non-Jewish family. HaShem alone understands what is best for each of us and He leads each of us Home in the best way. Presumably my experiences in this life were to encourage needed soul corrections and to help me truly embrace Torah once restored.

Since not all Jews embrace the doctrine of gilgul neshamot (the rolling/rebirth of souls), and as those who do vary in their understanding of it, I have been advised to avoid this topic. But the truth is that regardless of what any sect (or religion) believes about rebirth, my memories are clear and have been the guiding light of this life. I can no more ignore nor deny these memories than I can ignore my relationship with HaShem. These memories are fundamental both to who I am and to everything I believe. I discuss these memories in some detail here. If you wish to discuss this topic I invite you to contact me.

The End of the Beginning!

On Thursday morning April 18, 2013 I reached the end of 'the wilderness path' from my lifelong recurring dream/memory and began the next phase of my journey homeward as I first placed my unworthy hands on the Holy Kotel (the Western Wall of the once and future Jerusalem Temple). With this experience a new phase of my life began. My videos posted Here include some of our photos from the Holy Land. We hope to be making aliya (i.e. settling in Israel) on December 31, 2014 so more pictures are sure to come! I am no longer "John of AllFaith," a dharma bum (i.e. examining the world's religions hoping to discover my spiritual niche as when I began this web site, hence the name). I am now a returned Jew seeking to actuate my birthright -- this is proving to be more challenging than anticipated!

What Now? now reflects these changes in my life and much more is coming. Precisely how the site will develop remains to be seen. I am the same 'John of AllFaith' who founded the site but I am now going by my Hebrew name Shlomo.

The site now includes a growing section on Being Jewish that offers articles on various Jewish topics including: Understanding the Jewish Movements and Traditions, observances and practices, accepted conversion methods and more. Updates and new material are being added often. Please check back.

I am also including a significant section on the the teachings of Jesus for those who are seeking to understand the Jewish reform teachings of the historic and biblical Jesus (Y'shua ben Yosef) and how his reform movement was co-opted in the third century CE.

Be clear: I do not endorse so-called "Messianic Judaism" in any form. The sect of the historic Y'shua ben Yosef and his students died within 300 years of its inception as Rabbi Gamaliel foresaw (Acts 5:39). That sect no longer exists. All attempts to recreate it are doomed to failure.

For those of us who grew up under the Nicene dogmas however rightly embracing Torah can be difficult because of the misrepresentations of Jesus and his teachings. This portion of the site seeks to demonstrate that if one wishes to truly be a follower of Jesus one should believe as he did. If one wishes to be Noahide, be Noahide. If one wishes to be Jewish, convert to Judaism and embrace the Rabbinic teachings. Understanding the differences between these paths is important. Observe the one you wish with the understanding that God looks first and foremost at the heart. The Universalist blending of religions leads only to confusion (Exodus 20:3, Joshua 24:15, Revelation 2:9, 3:9).

This site, in part, seeks to help those who are leaving Christianity and considering either the Noahide Path or formal conversion to Judaism (the religion Y'shua practiced). With these studies I also hope to assist those who have questions about what the Bible and Judaism really teach on various topics. These pages include much of the material previously found at my Beth HaShem site.

As I always have I share my current understandings and insights here. Nothing here should be taken as Absolute Truth. I can assure you that I am sincerely doing my best however.

I am particularly drawn to the Dati Leumi ("National Religious") conception of Judaism and hope to be permanently settling in the Land of Israel within a few months with HaShem's help. My personal views and practices are not easily defined. In some areas I am quite liberal (leaning towards Jewish Renewal and Reform), in others very conservative (leaning towards the Breslovers). But Israel is the Solid Rock upon which I hope to stand. In a nutshell, as Rav Abraham Isaac Kook (September 7,1865-September 1, 1935) explained:

"Zionism was not merely a political movement by secular Jews. It was actually a tool of God to promote His divine scheme and to initiate the return of the Jews to their homeland - the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God wants the children of Israel to return to their home in order to establish a Jewish sovereign state in which Jews could live according to the laws of Torah and Halakha and commit the Mitzvot of Eretz Israel [these are religious commandments which can be performed only in the land of Israel]. Moreover, to cultivate the land of Israel was a Mitzvah by itself and it should be carried out. Therefore, settling Israel is an obligation of the religious Jews and helping Zionism is actually following God's will" -- Samson, David; Tzvi Fishman (1991). Torat Eretz Yisrael. Jerusalem: Torat Eretz Yisrael Publications.

Be the Blessing you were created to be


Don't let the perfect defeat the good