Rabbi Shlomo on the Streets of D.C. discussing the traditional Jewish beliefs concerning abortion, January 20, 2023.
Final Thoughts on the January 20, 2023 March for Life
Rabbi Shlomo, a board member of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation, spoke as part of an Amicus briefing to the United States Supreme Court concerning the overturning Roe-V-Wade.
Standing Firm For Life, March 1, 2021 in D.C.
Rabbi Shlomo and Cecily Routman, founder and president of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation in D.C. in 2023
Roe V Wade Has Finally Been Overturned
But Still the Slaughter of the Innocent Continues
Join us for LIFE Beit Emunah and the Jewish Pro-life Foundation Declare that Child Murder is NOT a Jewish Value! Despite what some of the Erev Rav is Claiming today. Law 27 of the 613: Not to stand by idly when human life is in danger. Leviticus 19:16 and Genesis 9:6-7 forbids standing by idly when an abortion is being committed: Sanhedrin 57b: "It is stated in that book of Aggadot that the Sages said in the name of Rabbi Yishmael: A descendant of Noah is executed even for killing fetuses. The Gemara asks: What is the reason for the opinion of Rabbi Yishmael? The Gemara answers: It is derived from that which is written: “One who sheds the blood of a person, by a person [ba’adam] his blood shall be shed” (Genesis 9:6). The word ba’adam literally means: In a person, and hence is interpreted homiletically: What is a person that is in a person? You must say: This is a fetus that is in its mother’s womb. Accordingly, a descendant of Noah is liable for killing a fetus.") Got Questions or Comments? Let us know Be the blessing you were created to be And Don't let the perfect defeat the good |
Killing Babies is Anti-Jewish,
Saving Babies is not Anti-Semitic CECILY ROUTMAN JANUARY 3, 2023 | 10:24AM ESTJewish abortion advocates and their confederates have reconstructed Judaism into their image of a baby-killing cult deserving of constitutional protections. This deceit provides cover for scurrilous charges of antisemitism and racism targeted at Christian pro-life activists and educators, and in legal challenges to life-saving legislation. Notable are Audrey Clare Farley’s “The Anti-Abortion Movement Is More Conspiracy-Addled Than Ever,” (The New Republic, December 13, 2022), a tweet posted by AOC on December 20, 2022, "So many faiths like Judaism permit abortion, so shut up, theocratic ‘fundamentalist Christians, and the legal challenge to Indiana's SB1 by Hoosier Jews for Choice. These attacks are dangerous and indefensible and must be repudiated. Christian pro-lifers are not anti-Jewish. Instead, they want to save unborn Jewish babies from torture and death. They are not racist, pointing out that abortion profiteers disproportionately target babies of color for destruction. During my 16 years as founder and president of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation, I have found that Christian prolifers cherish and embrace Jewish tradition and its focus on protecting innocent life. They welcome Jewish allies because they know from reading their Bible that Judaism (the faith tradition in which Jesus was raised) was the first religion in human history to sanctify human life and to prohibit child sacrifice. Thousands of years later, Jewish teachings still provide both the cultural and theological foundations for protecting innocent human life in the womb; prolife principles upon which people of faith believe and depend. The fountainhead is Genesis 9:6-7, which the rabbis elaborate upon as forbidding abortions to be performed by both Jews and Gentiles. “He who spills the blood of man within man shall have his blood spilled, for in the image of G-d, He made man. And you, be fruitful, and multiply on the earth, and increase upon it.” Rabbinic consensus in the Talmud interpreted "the blood of man within man” to be a growing human being in the womb of its mother. The penalty for having ‘his blood spilled’ is death by the hands of Heaven. Judaism prohibits destroying the lives of innocent children in the womb, permitting it (not requiring it, as some falsely claim) only in very rare cases where the pregnancy threatens the mother's physical life. Today, this situation occurs in less than 1% of cases. Every pro-life law includes this exception. This fact invalidates the claim that legal protections for unborn citizens threaten Jewish religious practice. Judaism believes every life is precious and that God has a plan for each of us. Every person has a value from conception to natural death. Frequent biblical references acknowledging the humanity of pre-born babies and their vital role in Jewish posterity occur throughout the Jewish bible. So, too, do references that forbid destroying unborn children. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. (Genesis 1:28). God told Jeremiah that he knew him in the womb and weaved him to be a prophet to the people. (Jeremiah 1:5). God commanded do not sacrifice your children to Moloch. (Leviticus 18:21). God directed us to choose life. (Deuteronomy 30:19). Many rabbinic prohibitions against abortion can be found in “Marital Relations, Birth Control, and Abortion in Jewish Law,” by Rabbi David Feldman (copyright 1987). Rabbi Feldman points out that both Judaism and Christianity forbid abortion for economic reasons. Most abortions today are done for that very reason, or used as birth control to avoid parental responsibility. Many women are pressured to use abortion against their natural instincts and will. This grave situation is all the more reason for a Jewish/Christian alliance to protect children and their mothers. We stand with our Christian brothers and sisters in defending life. Life saving modern medical treatments and abundant help during pregnancy and after birth are available to women and families today. To insist that Jewish women will die because they lack access to legal child killing contradicts the reality that more Jewish lives are at risk from abortion than from laws that protect the lives of unborn children and safeguard the beauty of a mom giving birth to her child. Aggressive attacks from Jewish abortion crusaders incite violence toward all Jews, not just those in their mother's womb. We strongly denounce irresponsible rhetoric coming from anti-semitic, racist abortion promoters who secretly celebrate every time a minority baby perishes. Jews and people of color must stop perpetuating generational genocide. They must stand for life. Our matriarch, Rachel, suffered hard travail when giving birth to Benjamin. Rather than having her son killed to save her own life, she gave him life. By choosing life, she gave us life. We are obligated to do the same. “Do what is right and just; rescue the wronged from their oppressors; do nothing wrong or violent to the stranger, orphan or widow; don’t shed innocent blood in this place.” (Jeremiah 22:3). Any Jew who suffers after an abortion experience is welcome to attend our healing program, Tikvat Rachel. May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all of Israel. Amen. Courtesy of Jewish Pro-Life Foundation. JPLF at the March for Life Washington DC 2023
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