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How Our Services Work Halachichally
And How You Can Join Us

By Rabbi Shlomo Nachman
Beit Emunah

Rabbinic Jewish Law (Halacha) forbids 39 specific actions on Shabbat-See my Shabbat Guide for more on these laws. In this modern internet age, opinions vary about what these 39 prohibitions and their regulations entail regarding modern technologies unknown to the ancient sages.

Among the 39 prohibitions is the proper observance of numbers 36 and 37, which speak of extinguishing and kindling a fire on Shabbat. Two others are also at questions 32 and 33, writing and erasing two letters.

Among the issues these four prohibitions raise today is the use of the internet on Shabbat and the yamin tovim or holy days. Does turning a computer on or off amount to extinguishing or kindling a fire, an electric "spark"? Most current Orthodox opinion is that it either does or doesn't create the appearance of a violation. Therefore, most Orthodox rabbis forbid computers, let alone streaming services, on these days.

There is also debate about online keyboard or touch typing since the letters and words created with a computer do not constitute the creation of physical letters and words (i.e., violations of laws 32 and 33). Again, standard Orthodox opinion is that such should not be done, whether viewed as an actual violation or as a compromise on the protective "hedge" around the Shabbat restrictions. There is no established halacha specifically addressing these two issues. There is only minhag (local or group opinions).

Based on these concerns, observant Jews typically avoid using the internet in any fashion on the Holy Days.

While respectful of these protective principles, we at Beit Emunah also consider that many people around the world have no access to a shul or other established Jewish community to properly observe these religiously required "divine appointments" for various reasons. In non-Orthodox communities, driving to services is generally permitted as they conclude that attending services is more important than not driving. Orthodoxy generally rejects this compromise, and so many religious Jews have no way to get to local shuls for services.

This is a serious problem for many people. Because of this minhag-based prohibition, many elderly Jews sit alone at home or in nursing homes on holy days rather than join their fellows at shul as they would prefer. Many Jews for whom a proper shul is miles away likewise have no place to attend services nor to establish meaningful relationships with other Jews. Often, Gentiles who wish to worship the God of Israel properly are barred from attending Jewish services (in violation of the Torah). We offer a solution. We welcome sincere people to gather in worship of HaShem with a community that provides mutual support via the Internet.

How It Works:

To comply with established Rabbinic Shabbat halacha:

This method is in complete halachic compliance as utilized with such well-established determinations as using Shabbat elevators (the lift stops on each floor), Shabbat "stoves" (blech), Shabbat lighting and heating, and so on. There is no rational or halachic justification for accepting these electronic devices and rejecting the above. Such would be hypocrisy.

We recommend participating fully in our services as if you were physically present in a regular shul. Dress as you dress, rise and sit as you would, and so on. These are not shows; they are religious services like any other shul. Your cameras and mics may be on or off as you desire (we prefer your cameras to be on, and mics muted when you are not speaking). In our Zoom Shul, you can participate in live readings, etc., as you wish.

WHOEVER you are, regardless of your religious path, YOU are welcome at Beit Emunah. We are a gathering of sincere people who love HaShem and one another. We welcome you and your sincere questions. We hope you will join us.


If you have questions about our services, about how this process works, etc. just let me know.

See you in shul!

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* Rabbi Shlomo Nachman © May 03,2020 (last update: March 17,2024)


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