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Our Dvar Torah: Mashiach and the Erev Rav
© Rabbi Shlomo Nachman ben Ya'akov *

Usually, when one refers to the Erev Rav, they speak about the mixed multitude who left Egypt with the Moshe and the Israelites during the Exodus. Indeed, this is the meaning of Erev Rav: a mixed multitude or group. Jewish tradition explains that Moshe accepted these people as an integral part of the community. Some believe Moshe made a mistake by accepting them. This belief leads many to distrust those who today would "take the hem of Jew," whether as converts or Noahidim  (Zechariah 8:2). This is because they blame the Erev Rav for the incident with the golden calf, and other times the people questioned Moshe and challenged the laws he delivered.

Isaac Luria taught that the souls of the Erev Rav are reincarnated in every generation to cause harm to the Jewish people. The Zohar further warns that the Erev Rav not only exists in every generation, but they are the cause of most of the problems afflicting the Jewish people. For this reason, while not forgetting the original Erev Rav, the term is commonly used by Jews to describe the traitors among us. And today, they are many.

In Hebrew, the term translated as "mixed multitude" is erev ravErev here is a homonym (a word that sounds and may even be spelled the same as another but has a different, unrelated meaning). Erev means "evening," "the approach of darkness, as in "Erev Shabbat." In this case, it is from a root (ayin, resh, vet), which we understand as "mixed," but it means both. Rav means "many" or "great," hence in this context, a "multitude." Therefore, the Erev Rav are, in context, the multitude of darkness that exists among us.  Who is the Erev Rav today? When discussing Rebbe Nachman's tale of the Lost Princess, Rabbi Moshe Weinberger explains, I paraphrase, that the princess is the "emunah" (motivating faith) of Hashem in each pious Jew. Those without emunah dwell in erev, in darkness. In Torah, the measure is how much you know; in tefillah (prayer), the standard is how connected to HaShem you are. Rebbe Nachman insists that both are required for those who would dwell in the Light of HaShem. Emunah (motivating faith) helps a person become as beloved to Hashem as a spouse. You can be a Torah scholar and a rasha gamor (an utterly evil person). If you have a glass of water with G-d, you have everything. The Jews, and arguably especially the Rabbis, have it all, yet many are Erev Rav despite their bloviating and self-aggrandizement and much speaking. These Erev Rav make Torah observance seem impossible. They counsel to foolish actions, such as taking the jab in violation of the Torah. They divide our people into sects and reject all who do not fit their idea of what a good Jew is. They push the people into atheism.

Rebbe Nachman warned Picture
"Great atheism is coming to the world as a test from on high. The world's many sins are causing a terrible lack of emunah. Happy is the person who stays firm in his emunah in these times.  The fact that I am predicting this will not prevent the increase of Godlessness and confusion. Long ago, Daniel and others made it known that this would happen in the days before the Mashiach. "Many will purify themselves and be refined, and make themselves shining white. But the wicked will do evil. and only the wise shall understand" (Daniel 12:10 ).  Knowing that this has already been foreseen, it would seem that it should not be such a great trial for people to remain strong and firm in their faith. But the truth is that even though the prophets made this known long ago, it will still be a great trial. Many will fall by the way, which is why it is written: "the wicked will do evil."  I am revealing this for the sake of the few pure souls who will remain firm in their faith. They will undoubtedly face great battles even in their own minds. But when they see that this has already been predicted, it will give them greater strength and encouragement.​"

My friend Chananya Weissman, wrote the following on this top on January 16, 2022, in his piece "Rav, or Erev Rav?"

"In these extraordinary times, we are compelled to step out of our comfort zone and rethink many things we always took for granted. Many of the leaders and institutions we always supported, and which we believed were fundamentally on our side, are taking off their masks. It behooves us to see them for what they are, and not serve as their apologists.

Chazal taught us long ago that before the arrival of Moshiach the leaders would be mostly Erev Rav – essentially, moles working to destroy us from within. This teaching should give us strength when so much of the rabbinic establishment has prostituted itself and issued wayward proclamations. This was foretold. We're finally there.

It should also give us the confidence to stand up to shady characters, even if they are impressive scholars with long beards and regal appearances. Rotten people can study Torah and dress in rabbinic garb, just like anyone else. We must see past the fancy exterior. It's our responsibility to recognize the Erev Rav, expose them, and banish them from our midst.  

At the same time, we don't want to be irresponsible. Every Jew deserves the benefit of the doubt, especially Torah scholars, and the consequences of falsely labeling one a traitor are terrifying. We have to do this work, but we have to do it right.

Here are some of the best ways to tell the difference:

1. A real rabbi is a real person. He isn't putting on a show. An Erev Rav is a bureaucrat, an actor playing a part. Some play their parts better than others, but there is nothing sincere about them.
2. A real rabbi is patient in judgment, as per the first Mishna in Avos. He recognizes that every case has individual nuances and that one must never jump to conclusions. An Erev Rav hardly bothers to pretend he engaged in careful research and deliberation before issuing a pronouncement. The pharmaceutical companies claim they developed their lovely shots in record time without cutting any corners (who needs long-term studies, anyway?), and the Erev Rav did the same with their hurried rulings of support.
3. A real rabbi issues detailed rulings in which everyone can see the sources he relied upon, his total grasp of all sides of the issue, and the thought process behind his conclusions. He bases his rulings only on relevant sources and makes it clear how he connects the dots when applying seemingly disparate sources to a situation. He makes everyone smarter and more informed.
An Erev Rav just makes pronouncements and backs them up with rhetoric. He throws around sources willy-nilly, attempting to camouflage his non-ruling by confusing people or dazzling them with his scholarship. Just as a dictator rules with force, an Erev Rav rules with intellectual and religious intimidation. His rulings make little sense, but one dare not challenge him.
4. A real rabbi continues to learn as new information comes to light, and he modifies his rulings accordingly. An Erev Rav told everyone to wear masks and take the shots two years ago, and he has nothing more to say on the subject. God has spoken."
                                                                                            Source of this quote: https://chananyaweissman.com/article.php?id=403 

Strong emunah holds firmly to the Torah with intelligence and reason, empowered by hitbodedut, direct communion with the Holy One, Blessed be He. As we move deeper into the Times of Ya'akov's troubles, each of us must stand and be counted, each in our way, lest we be discarded.

Be strong!
Be the blessing HaShem created you to be! 
And don't allow their notions of perfection to defeat the good that is within you! 

In this way, together, we can call upon HaShem for deliverance from the Erev Rav and this increasingly evil New World World of 'the one as cruel as Haman.'

As our Rebbe said: I am revealing this for the sake of the few pure souls who will remain firm in their faith. They will undoubtedly face great battles, even in their own minds. But when they see that this has already been predicted, it will give them greater strength and encouragement. 

Be encouraged, my friends! HaShem reigns!
Come NOW, we pray, Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David!  

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* Rabbi Shlomo Nachman ben Ya'akov © September 5, 2019 (last update: October 5,2023)



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